
I studied psychology and physics in Freiburg, Germany, and Christchurch, New Zealand. My doctoral research at the latter university was in research methodology, supervised by Prof. Brian Haig. I then spent three years with Prof. Patrik Vuilleumier in Geneva, Switzerland, conducting cognitive neuroscience studies with MRI. I was a part-time acting professor for Prof. Ulf-Dietrich Reips at the University of Konstanz and a researcher and lecturer in the research methods group of Prof. Christof Schuster at the University of Giessen, both in Germany.
My primary research interests are (1) research methodology, including research strategies and statistical methods in psychology (e.g., factors influencing accuracy in parameter estimation), and (2) consciousness, in particular its measurement, psychological and evolutionary functions, neural bases, and relationship with learning. I am also interested in the evaluation of research. I combined these interests in my doctoral thesis by constructing a systematic tool for evaluating the promise of means of inquiry and applying it to means for investigating the biological evolution of consciousness. I have kept pursuing these research interests, but now in separate projects.