
Eunike Wetzel was a researcher and lecturer in the “Research Methods, Assessment, and iScience” working group (leader: Prof. Dr. Ulf-Dietrich Reips) from April 2014 to December 2017 (with large breaks of together more than 1.5 years in visiting positions during this period).
Eunike Wetzel’s research focuses on response biases in psychological assessment and applications of item response modeling. Further research interests include personality psychology and methods of large-scale assessments.
- Grosz, M. P., Emons, W. H. M., Wetzel, E., Leckelt, M., Chopik, W. J., Rose, N., & Back, M. D. (2019). A comparison of unidimensionality and measurement precision of the Narcissistic Personality Inventory and the Narcissistic Admiration and Rivalry Questionnaire. Assessment, 26(2), 281-293. doi: 10.1177/1073191116686686.
- Leckelt, M., Wetzel, E., Gerlach, T. M., Ackerman, R. A., Miller, J. D., Chopik, W. J., …, & Back, M. D. (2018). Validation of the Narcissistic Admiration and Rivalry Q0uestionnaire short scale (NARQ-S) in 0convenience and representative samples. Psychological Assessment, 30(1), 86-96. doi: 10.1037/pas0000433.
- Harris, M. A., Wetzel, E., Robins, R. W., Donnellan, M. B., & Trzesniewski, K. H. (2018). The development of global and domain self-esteem from ages 10 to 16 for Mexican-origin youth. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 42(1).
- Grosz, M. P., Göllner, R., Rose, N., Spengler, M., Trautwein, U., Rauthmann J. F., Wetzel, E., & Roberts, B. W. (2017). The development of narcissistic admiration and Machiavellianism in early adulthood. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. Advance online publication. doi:10.1037/pspp0000174
- Wetzel, E., Brown, A., Hill, P., Chung, J. M., Robins, R. W., & Roberts, B. W. (2017). The narcissism epidemic is dead; long live the narcissism epidemic. Psychological Science, 28(12), 1833-1847.
- Helms, E., Wetzel, E., & Weierstall, R. (2016). Entwicklung und Validierung des Subklinischen Stresssymptom-Questionnaire SSQ-25. Der Nervenarzt. Advance online publication. doi:10.1007/s00115-016-0181-2
- Wetzel, E., Leckelt, M., Gerlach, T. M., & Back, M. D. (2016). Distinguishing subgroups of narcissists with latent class analysis. European Journal of Personality, 30(4), 374-389.
- Dantlgraber, M., Wetzel, E., Schützenberger, P., Stieger, S., & Reips, U.-D. (2016). Simple construct evaluation with Latent Class Analysis: An investigation of Facebook addiction and the development of a short form of the Facebook Addiction Test (F-AT). Behavior Research Methods, 48, 869-879.
- Wetzel, E., & Robins, R. W. (2016). Are parenting practices associated with the development of narcissism? Findings from a longitudinal study of Mexican-origin youth. Journal of Research in Personality. Advance online publication. doi:10.1016/j.jrp.2016.05.005
- Wetzel, E., Roberts, B. W., Fraley, R. C., & Brown, A. (2016). Equivalence of Narcissistic Personality Inventory constructs and correlates across scoring approaches and response formats. Journal of Research in Personality. Avance online publication. doi: 10.1016/j.jrp.2015.12.002
- Wetzel, E., Lüdtke, O., Zettler, I., & Böhnke, J. R. (2016). The stability of extreme response style and acquiescence over 8 years. Assessment. 23(3), 279-291. doi:10.1177/1073191115583714
- Wetzel, E., Böhnke, J. R., & Rose, N. (2016). A simulation study on methods of correcting for the effects of extreme response style. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 76(2), 304-324. doi:10.1177/0013164415591848
- Schoenleber, M., Roche, M. J., Wetzel, E., Pincus, A. L., & Roberts, B. W. (2015). Development of a brief version of the Pathological Narcissism Inventory. Psychological Assessment, 27(4), 1520-1526. doi: 10.1037/pas0000158
- Wetzel, E., Xu, X., & von Davier, M. (2015). An alternative way to model population ability distributions in large-scale educational surveys. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 75(5), 739-763. doi:10.1177/0013164414558843
- Wetzel, E., & Carstensen, C. H. (2015). Multidimensional modeling of traits and response styles. European Journal of Psychological Assessment, Advance online publication. doi: 10.1027/1015-5759/a000291
- Wetzel, E. & Hell, B. (2014). Multidimensional item response theory models in vocational interest measurement. Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, 32 (4), 342-355.
- Wetzel, E., & Carstensen, C. H. (2014). Reversed thresholds in Partial Credit Models – A reason for collapsing categories? Assessment, 21(6), 765-774. doi:10.1177/1073191114530775