archivos para ‘noticias’

Ulf-Dietrich Reips now a member of the Graduate School of Decision Sciences at the University of Konstanz

Professor Ulf-Dietrich Reips has become a member of the Graduate School of Decision Sciences at the University of Konstanz

(English) Journal Impact now > 6.1: Issue 8(1) of the International Journal of Internet Science has appeared

Disculpa, pero esta entrada está disponible sólo en estos idiomas: English.

Lehendakari del Gobierno Vasco Urkullu se reúne con Profesores Investigadores Ikerbasque

Los tres Profesores Investigadores Ikerbasque permanentes afiliados a la Universidad de Deusto se reunieron con el Lehendakari Iñigo Urkullu,durante una recepción para investigadores Ikerbasque y sus familias residiendo en Euskadi. Este grupo de más de cien investigadores colaboran en el fortalecimiento y desarrollo de la ciencia en el País Vasco.

Basque governor Urkullu meets Ikerbasque Research Professors of Universidad de Deusto

Ulf-Dietrich Reips, Gonzalo Bacigalupe, Iñigo Urkullu, Juan Arango

El Lehendakari Iñigo Urkullu es graduado de la Universidad de Deusto en Bilbao.

Grant proposal involving iScience group evaluated as “High potential” by the EU

A joint multi-national proposal involving our group, “A Research infrastructure for the Study of Archived Web materials”, has been put by EU Consultation on Research Infrastructures, Topics for Integrating Activities on the list of projects of “High potential” and also with “merit for future Horizon 2020 Research Infrastructure Actions”. We consider this to be a very qualified prequalification as the evaluation procedure has followed the rigorous standard FP7 evaluation procedure.

Find the evaluation outcome of this first step at the European Commission’s website: (the project is classified in the Mathematics and ICT category as ‘ICT02’).