Archiv für ‘präsentationen’

Reips, U. D., & Ito, T. (2007). The virtual team trainer. Presentation in lecture series “Educational Engineering”, ETH Zürich & Educational Engineering Lab, University of Zürich.

Galesic, M., Reips, U. D., Kaczmirek, L., Czienskowski, U., Liske, N., & von Oertzen, T. (2007). Response time measurements in the lab and on the Web: A comparison. In annual meeting of the Swiss Society for Psychology, Zurich.

Funke, F., & Reips, U. D. (2007). Dynamic forms: Online surveys 2.0. In General Online Research Conference (GOR’07), Leipzig, March.

Funke, F., & Reips, U. D. (2006, March). Visual analogue scales in online surveys: Nonlinear data categorization by transformation with reduced extremes. In Poster presented at the General Online Research (GOR) conference, Bielefeld, Germany.