
Our research team focuses on developing, testing and improving methods of iScience, that is Internet-based science. Internet-based experiments differ in several aspects from laboratory experiments, and so it is important to find out how these differences may influence scientific results. In fact, the classic laboratory experiment in the behavioral sciences is often haunted by a number of problems (e.g., low power, low generalizability, reduced voluntariness of participants, 80% of participants in Psychological research being undergraduate students, inaccessibility of procedures and materials for replication purposes …). Internet-based science research methodology may provide a way out and take off where our pre-Internet tools and methods can’t reach.

Some of the themes here are methods, mobile research with smart phones, Internet-based personality tests, and social networking sites. We develop Web services for scientists that incorporate validated methods, and thus do our best to help you in conducting sound Internet-based research.

A further interest in our research is to know how we perceive, learn, or conclude that two different events are related in terms of cause-effect, as the relationship that may exist between a disease and a symptom. How do we discriminate between these causal relationships and others that are purely correlational?

In order to study these phenomena we use behavioral experiments, most of them are carried out with the Web services available from our iScience Server. You may take part in our experiments or find those of others on our web experiment list or in the Web Experimental Psychology Lab (which may look a bit outdated because it was founded in 1994 and became the first Web-based laboratory for true experiments).

If you are interested in our publications, you can read their abstracts or download them here or at our lab’s presence at ResearchGate. Further information, for example on press coverage of some articles and findings or frequency statistics of citations of our publications (article impact) is also available.

Consult opportunities for students interested in conducting research with our team here.