archive for ‘news’

🍾 International Birthday Symposium celebrating 30 years of Web experimenting – September 11, 2024

🥳 We celebrated a milestone in both life and science! With Ulf-Dietrich Reips we marked 30 years of pioneering Internet-based experimentation and his 60th birthday with a symposium on September 11, 2024, at the University of Konstanz in its Data Theatre (ZT 1204).

💬 This special event featured insightful talks by distinguished researchers Michael Birnbaum (California State University Fullerton), Tom Buchanan (University of Westminster, London), Mario Callegaro (Google Research), and Jochen Musch (Unversity of Düsseldorf) and many video messages from around the world. Additionally, the international as well as local guests got to know a bit more of the culture of Konstanz in a tour around its city hall in the old town.

The iScience team would like to thank everyone who attended, sent greetings, photos or videos and all in all made this day very special to all of us. We hope to have built the basis for many fruitful future collaborations for the next 30 years of web-based experimenting! ✨

To better remember the nice memories, we have created two videos: One with all video messages that we have received as well as some additional photos over the years, and the other with memories of the event itself. The memory video is available to everyone who attended (and affiliated others upon request). Please write us an email at with Subject “Symposium 30-60” to receive a copy.
For the greetings video as well as select recordings from the amazing talks at the event go to and stream the videos!

⬇️ For more details and the full symposium schedule, download the program!

📣 Prof. Dr. Reips is honored as a ScholarGPS Highly Ranked Scholar

🥳 Congratulations to Prof. Dr. Reips for being named an inaugural Highly Ranked Scholar by ScholarGPS! Ranking in the top 0.05% worldwide, the head of the iScience group has excelled in the field of Internet-based research, securing the #58 spot for lifetime achievements in research related to the Internet worldwide. Cheers to his exceptional contributions! 📚

🔎 As an inaugural ScholarGPS Highly Ranked Scholar, Prof. Dr. Reips joins an elite group of researchers recognized for their remarkable achievements. For more information about ScholarGPS and its ranking methodologies, visit

New publication: Mega meta-analyses in a digitalized world✨

A new article from iScience members Ester Kaufmann and Ulf-Dietrich Reips about conducting proper meta-analyses in our digital world was just published.💻

🌎You can read this open access article here: Meta-analysis in a digitalized world: A step-by-step primer.

Workshop: “Relations between Space, Language, and Numbers” (Tübingen, April 10th – 12th) – Co-organized by Prof. Dr. Reips

✨ Our team-leader, Prof. Dr. Reips, co-organized an exciting workshop about semantic, numerical and embodied cognition in Tübingen. Additionally, Dr. Shevchenko and Annika Tave Overlander, two members of the iScience team, presented their projects! 🚀
🗨 The workshop offered an excellent opportunity to discuss various topics in the fields of Psychology, Linguistics and Cognitive Science.

Group photo of participants of the worksohp

Next to amazing presentations and insightful discussions, the participants were also able to explore the beautiful town of Tübingen. On several city tours lead by local workshop participants, many titbits of interesting information was exchanged. Did you know that the motto of Uni Tübingen, “Attempto!” has to do with its logo, a palm tree? 🌴 Apparently the founder of the university attempted to plant a palm tree in Tübingen, even though his advisers were sure it would not grow – only to discover that it did!