published by: A.Tave | 25 February 2025 | news
The Journal of Perceptual Imaging publishes a plethora of great papers on topics such as cognitive effects, perception as well as online research. In December 2024, a thought provoking paper on the perception of facial cues in artifical avatars was published from iscience team member Yury Shevchenko. More recently in February 2025, Maria Rosa Miccoli published a paper on mental accounting and discounting in the same high-impact journal!🍾
Iscience team leader Ulf-Dietrich Reips is a co-author on both of these articles.💭
You can find the papers from Yury and Maria Rosa below – we highly reccommend you check them out!
Shevchenko, Y., Heisenstein, J., & Reips, U.-D. (2024). How Do Avatars Make a Positive Impression: The Effect of Facial Cues on Avatar Evaluation. In Journal of Perceptual Imaging (Vol. 7, Issue 0, pp. 1–16). Society for Imaging Science & Technology.
Miccoli, M. R., & Reips, U.-D. (2025). Exact Versus Conceptual Replication: Internet-based Research Investigating the Replicability of Cognitive Effects. In Journal of Perceptual Imaging (Vol. 7, Issue 0, pp. 1–15). Society for Imaging Science & Technology.
published by: A.Tave | 15 January 2025 | news
The PANDOTA Ph.D. grant from University of Constance is targetted towards first-year Ph.D. candidates from natural science disciplines. The aim is to help students to get started in their academic carreers and get settled in the scientific community. It is quite competitive as it is only awarded to up to 12 candidates each year.
We are happy to announce that this year’s psychology grant was awarded to iscience team member Anni – congratulations! 🥳The great challenge now will be to figure out how to spend the money and make the most of it. 🤔✨
published by: A.Tave | 14 October 2024 | news
After going through a preregistration and review process with the new and convincing peer community in (PCI), two new articles are in press in JEP:LMC and Royal Society Open Science!🥳
Congratulations to doctoral students Lilly Roth and Annika Tave Overlander as well as former Bachelor and Master student John Caffier in getting these articles from our eSNARC project published along with their mentors, supervisors, and collaborators!🎆
The two articles are:
Roth, L., Caffier, J., Reips, U.-D., Cipora, K., Braun, A., & Nuerk, H.-C. (in press). True colors SNARCing: Semantic number processing is highly automatic. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition.
More information can be found here:
Roth, L., Caffier, J., Reips, U.-D., Nuerk, H.-C., Overlander, A. T., & Cipora, K. (2025). One and only SNARC? Spatial-Numerical Associations are not fully flexible and depend on both relative and absolute number magnitude. Royal Society Open Science.
More information can be found here:
published by: M. Miccoli | 16 September 2024 | news
We are thrilled to welcome Tim Angelike to the iScience team! 🎉 We first crossed paths at the 2023 Psychonomic Society meeting, affiliated with SCIP, in San Francisco, where we had some fascinating discussions on shared research interests—particularly around randomness. The synergy between his work and our team’s focus was clear from the start. The inspiring nature of these conversations was further highlighted during his talk about randomness in human-generated numbers at our university.
As an avid user of internet-based research methods (just like us! 😉), Dr. Angelike brings valuable expertise to the table, and we’re excited to collaborate and learn from each other. We’re sure he will continue to hone those skills here and push the boundaries of online data collection.
Here’s to many exciting projects and breakthroughs ahead! 🚀