It is no secret that the Annual Meeting of the Society for Computation in Psychology (SCiP) and the Psychonomic Society as well as Judgment and Decision Making (JDM) are conference highlights for the iscience team. This year, they were held in the heart of New York City and we were proud to present our current research in the form of several presentations as well as posters. 📊
The team got to (re)connect with fellow researchers from the field and find new opportunities for future collaborations. We enjoyed hearing about the cutting edge of current developments immensly and were impressed by many of the presented works.

This New York style conference lunch was attended by (from left) head of the iscience team Ulf-Dietrich Reips, G*Power creator and Wilhelm-Wundt medal winner Edgar Erdfelder, Maria Rosa Miccoli, Yury Shevchenko, Annika Tave Overlander (three members of isceince), Christopher R. Wolfe, SCiP Organizer Erin Buchanan and SCiP Keynote speaker James Pennebaker. We look forward to the next time!🧠