
Call for contributions to web-based timing meta-study

Our project aims to verify, and to assess the extent of, the superiority of a recently demonstrated improvement in JavaScript-based display timing precision in web-based experiments, as compared to the less precise conventional method (Lukács & Gartus, 2022; cf. Garaizar & Reips, 2019). We seek researchers who are planning to conduct any online response-time based experiments
● in the near future,
● using their own custom JavaScript-based app for data collection,
● and would be able and willing to contribute to our project as a co-author in our eventual paper.

We hope to finish all data collection and have a written manuscript by the end of 2023, but for the moment we have no fixed deadline either for applying for participation or for ending data collection. For more details and for up-to-date information, please contact us.

The project is organized by the iScience team at the University of Konstanz (team leader: Prof. Dr. Ulf-Dietrich Reips), in collaboration with the Department of Methodology and Statistics at Tilburg University (Dr. Bennett Kleinberg).

If you are interested in contributing or have any questions, please contact us.

You are encouraged to further share and forward this call – it would be much appreciated.

Garaizar, P., & Reips, U.-D. (2019). Best practices: Two Web-browser-based methods for stimulus presentation in behavioral experiments with high-resolution timing requirements. Behavior Research Methods, 51(3), 1441–1453.
Lukács, G., & Gartus, A. (2022). Precise display time measurement in JavaScript for web-based experiments. Behavior Research Methods. Advance online publication.