SCiP Symposium 2024
- Overlander, A. T., Bannert, M. & Reips, U.-D. (2024, July 9). dropR: Analyze and Visualize Dropout. useR! conference, Salzburg, Austria.
iScience special symposium held at #SCIP2023.
- Reips, U.-D. (2023). Without the Internet Artificial Intelligence was Disconnected Stupidity. 53rd Annual Meeting of the Society for Computation in Psychology. San Francisco, November 16.
- Huber, N., Buchmüller, R., & Reips, U.-D. (2023). Validating Google Ngram as a Source for Psychological Research: A Comparative Study of Corpora for Word Trend Analysis. 53rd Annual Meeting of the Society for Computation in Psychology. San Francisco, November 16.
- Miccoli, M., & Reips, U.-D. (2023). Exact vs. Conceptual Replication: Mental Accounting in Internet-Based Experiments. 53rd Annual Meeting of the Society for Computation in Psychology. San Francisco, November 16.
- Shevchenko, Y., & Reips, U.-D. (2023). Fish Lake: A Web-Based Paradigm for Investigating Collective Behavior. 53rd Annual Meeting of the Society for Computation in Psychology. San Francisco, November 16.
- Kaufmann, E. (2023). Workshop: Einführung in die Meta-Analyse: Theorie und Praxis, Institut für Schulentwicklungsforschung, TU Dortmund, 25./26.09.
- Shevchenko, Y., & Reips, U.-D. (2023, September). Geofencing in location-based behavioral research: Methodology, challenges, and implementation. 16th Meeting of Methods and Evaluation Division of the German Psychological Society (DGP’s). University of Konstanz, September 13.-15.
- Laupper, E., Kaufmann, E., & Reips, U.-D. (2023, September). The late responding phenomenon in web versus mail surveys: A systematic review and meta-analysis. 16th Meeting of Methods and Evaluation Division of the German Psychological Society (DGP’s). University of Konstanz, September 13.-15.
- Kaufmann, E., & Reips, U.-D. (2023, September). A step-by-step primer on conducting meta-analyses: The case of Internet-based research. 16th Meeting of Methods and Evaluation Division of the German Psychological Society (DGP’s). University of Konstanz, September 13.-15.
- Reips, U.-D. (2023, September). Methods of Web-Based Research in Psychology: A review. 16th Meeting of Methods and Evaluation Division of the German Psychological Society (DGP’s). University of Konstanz, September 13.-15.
- Miccoli, M., Miller, M., & Reips, U.-D. (2023, August). Mental accounting of time: An investigation of time as a resource. Subjective Probability Utility and Decision Making (SPUDM) Conference. Vienna, August 20-24.
- Kaufmann, E. (2022). 28th International (Virtual) Meeting of the Brunswik Society, organised together with M. Dhami (UK), Karolin Salmen (DE), Gijs Holleman (NL).
iScience’s special Workshop & Symposium held at #SCiP2022