archive for ‘news’

Dr. Eunike Wetzel ist in das Eliteprogramm für Postdoktorandinnen und Postdoktoranden der Baden-Württemberg Stiftung aufgenommen worden. Im Forschungsprojekt “Dark triad traits in young adulthood: Structure, development, and consequences” wird sie die Persönlichkeitseigenschaften der „dunklen Triade“ (Dark Triad) Narzissmus, Psychopathie und Machiavellismus im jungen Erwachsenenalter untersuchen.

Dr. Eunike Wetzel ist in das Eliteprogramm für Postdoktorandinnen und Postdoktoranden der Baden-Württemberg Stiftung aufgenommen worden. Im Forschungsprojekt “Dark triad traits in young adulthood: Structure, development, and consequences” wird sie die Persönlichkeitseigenschaften der „dunklen Triade“ (Dark Triad) Narzissmus, Psychopathie und Machiavellismus im jungen Erwachsenenalter untersuchen. Der Fokus des Projekts liegt auf der Struktur der Dark Triad, ihrer Entwicklung und den Auswirkungen, die diese Persönlichkeitseigenschaften auf interpersonaler und institutioneller Ebene haben.

Apply now: Summer School on Internet-based Data Collection and Analysis in Decision Making

Apply now: Summer School on Internet-based Data Collection and Analysis in Decision Making 2015 organized by the Graduate School of Decision Sciences, the Psychology Department and iScience, University of Konstanz.
September 14-18, 2015 @ University of Konstanz
Michael Birnbaum * Chick Judd * Gary McClelland * Ulf-Dietrich Reips
Basic and advanced concepts of Internet-based research * Methods of Decision Making Research * Mediation & Moderation & Mediated Moderation analysis * Experimental design * HTML5 * Visualization * Apps * Optimal design * Theory and model testing * Mixed models * Analysis of Internet data * Avoiding frequently made errors * Practical applications * Social Media * Big Data * iScience *

Interview with Stefan Stieger about one of his latest publications was broadcasted by the SRF (Swiss Radio and Television channel).

Interview with Stefan Stieger about one of his latest publications was broadcasted by the SRF (Swiss Radio and Television channel).

Oxford: U.-D. Reips and S. Stieger invited to present at Nuffield College on “Innovations in Online Experiments”

U.-D. Reips will open the invited workshop with a talk on “Internet-based experiments: Foundations, Methods, Innovations”, S. Stieger joins a panel on “Deploying Experiments with Mobile Devices” with a presentation on “Smartphone Apps in Psychological Science: Results from an Experience Sampling Approach”.