archive for ‘news’

“Groundbreaking and influential”: SCiP awards 2001 article by Reips

In January 2017 the Society for Computers in Psychology (SCiP) names the 2001 paper “Reips, U.-D. (2001). The Web Experimental Psychology Lab: Five years of data collection on the Internet. Behavior Research Methods, Instruments, & Computers, 33, 201-211.” one of eight “groundbreaking and influential” articles in the history of the society and the field.

Keynote: U.-D. Reips to hold keynote speech in Eindhoven

Ulf-Dietrich Reips gave a keynote speech at Social Sciences and the Internet: Third International Conference in Eindhoven, July 1, 2016. See for program here.

(Deutsch) Die Publikation “Estimating the reproducibility of psychological science” welche in Science publiziert wurde (Koautoren Stieger und Kuhlmann) erzielte im Jahr 2015 hohes mediales Echo und wird in diversen Rankings geführt.

Die Publikation “Estimating the reproducibility of psychological science” welche in Science publiziert wurde (Koautoren Stieger und Kuhlmann) erzielte im Jahr 2015 hohes mediales Echo und wird in diversen Rankings geführt:

U.-D. Reips @ UC Irvine

U.-D. Reips @ UC Irvine: co-organizes meeting Crowdsourcing, Big Data, and Social Media in the Behavioral Sciences: Applications, Methods and Theory Dec. 3-4 and is to give talk and tutorial.