archive for ‘news’

Application for 3rd Konstanz Summer School is open

The Graduate School of Decision Sciences and Department of Psychology, University of Konstanz, invite you to take part in our 3rd Summer School on Internet-based Data Collection and Analysis in Decision Making September 09-13, 2019 @ University of Konstanz. Registration continues to be open until a last few places have been filled. Please apply here.


New project, new team member!

We welcome Dr. María Alejandra Quirós Ramírez, who has begun working in our new project “Determinants in personal information environments that lead to perceptions of inequality” (PIs Ulf-Dietrich Reips and Karsten Donnay), which is part of the Excellence Cluster “Politics of Inequality” recently awarded to University of Konstanz.

U.-D. Reips & T. Buchanan to edit Special Issue on Web-based Research in Psychology

Ulf-Dietrich Reips and Tom Buchanan will edit a Special Issue on Web-based Research in Psychology for the journal for Zeitschrift für Psychologie (ZfP). The ZfP is one of the oldest journals in our field (founded by Herman Ebbinghaus in 1890) and has a unique format devoted entirely to publishing special issues across all areas within scientific psychology.

The Call for papers will appear in January of 2020, the issue will be published in late 2021.

Most cited @ university

According to ISI Web of Science the collaborative manuscript iScience group co-authored on the reproducibility of psychological research (2015 in Science, highly cited) is the most cited paper published during the last ten years under contribution from researchers at University of Konstanz.