As part of our 4th Summer School on Internet-based Data Collection and Analysis, Prof. Dr. Anja Göritz (University of Freiburg) will give a public keynote (“Collecting Data in Online Panels and Crowdsources”) at the University of Konstanz: It will take place Wednesday, September 15th 2021,5:00 PM in the A 701 room. Abstract:
Does the way of conducting a web-based study pay off in terms of obtaining more and/or better responses by study participants? In the talk, I examine the effects of offering different types of rewards to potential respondents on data quantity and quality. The rewards I look at are study results, donations to charity, bank transfers, loyalty points and payments via PayPal. Moreover, I talk about effects due to the season of year in which a study is conducted, the weekday when sending out invitations to a study to potential participants, the use of reminders and the length of a study. Finally, the talk compares online panels and crowdsources in terms of obtaining more and/or better responses when used as a pool to recruit respondents for web-based studies.