published by: | 19 April 2023 | news
Join Dr. Shevchenko and Prof. Dr. Ulf-Dietrich Reips in a captivating Spotify podcast, as they discuss their iScience-Group’s research findings on the effects of COVID-19 restrictions on our psychological well-being.
Tune in here and explore the original research paper, a joint work with Noemi Huber 📄 here. Don’t miss this engaging conversation! 🗣🎓
published by: | 19 January 2023 | news
To open the Center for Theoretical Behavioral Sciences at the University of California Irvine (UCI), Prof. Dr. Ulf-Dietrich Reips co-organizes a meeting on “Internet-based evaluation of decision-theoretic approaches” with main organizer Dr. Kimberly Jameson.
The conference will be held on the UC Irvine campus, in The Luce Conference Room.
The program is available for download.
published by: mariarosamiccoli | 12 December 2022 | news
iScience member Dr. Esther Kaufmann, organized the 28th International (Online) Meeting of the Brunswik Society. She was the Main Organizer, jointly with Mandeep Dhami, Karolin Salmen und Gijs Holleman. 👏🏻
The Brunswik Society is an association of international researchers interested in human judgment and decision-making. The members of the association share the appreciation for psychologist Egon Brunswik (1903-1955).
For further information, also check out the Brunswick Society website.
published by: mariarosamiccoli | 11 November 2022 | news
We are very happy to announce that Yury Schevchenko and Maria Rosa Miccoli were recently funded for two different projects. Congratulations! 👏🏻
Yury Shevchenko recently received money from the Young Scholar Fund (YSF), with his project “Psychological well-being in hybrid workspaces: An Experience Sampling Study”.
Maria Rosa Miccoli is officially a participant in the
Konstantia MEIN program 2023. Through this program, she will visit a research laboratory in Rotterdam where she will be mentored by
Prof. Krefeld-Schwalb.
We wish them both success in those experiences!