archive for ‘news’

💻 An informative article from Carla Biegert about AI and empathy is online!

👏🏻 Out now: Carla Biegert, a master’s student working on her thesis with Ulf-Dietrich Reips, has recently published an informative article about her thesis project!

Here is an extract from her article:
“Empathy is one of the most common buzzwords in the UX (User Experience) industry, and it is assumed to be an important skill and might even distinguish good from bad UX professionals. But what does it actually mean to be empathetic, and what impact could an AI-based tool have on it? During her master’s thesis in collaboration with a UX agency in Germany (Centigrade), she aims to explore the concept of empathy in UX design. In a diary-style study, people will have the opportunity to interact via chat with personas (a common tool in the UX design world). Carla Biegert will investigate how this will affect empathy towards users and the roles that believability and anthropomorphism might play.”

🔎 If you want to know more about the theoretical backgrounds and practical plans, give the following article a read: here!.

📣 Out now: A new article about late responding in Web and Mail surveys by iScience team members

🥳 Out now: The article “Late responding in Web and Mail surveys: A systematic review and meta-analysis” has just been published on the Survey Research Methods Journal. 📔

The article is a joint work conducted by Ellen Laupper, Dr. Kaufmann, and Prof. Dr. Reips.

🔎 You can read the entire article here to find out more about this topic!.

PD Dr. Esther Kaufmann organized the 29th International Meeting of the Brunswik Society

👏🏻 iScience member PD Dr. Esther Kaufmann, organizes the 29th International (Online) Meeting of the Brunswik Society. She is one of the main organizers, jointly with Mandeep Dhami, Karolin Salmen und Gijs Holleman.

For further information, also check out the Brunswik Society website.

Methods Symposium at the SCIP Conference 2023

News from Internet-based methods: Validation, replication, misinformation sharing, test scoring, Fish gaming, and AI

🚀 The iScience team goes to San Francisco for the SCIP Conference 2023. As per tradition, Ulf-Dietrich Reips is organizing the symposium, and Christopher R. Wolfe will be the discussant. Yury Shevchenko, Maria Rosa Miccoli, Noemi Huber, and Ulf-Dietrich Reips from the iScience group will present their current projects in the field of methodologies in Internet-based research, along with Tom Buchanan (University of Westminster) and Birk Diedenhofen (University of Düsseldorf).

See the program in detail.

We are looking forward to a vivid discussion, and to coming back to SCIP, in San Francisco!