artxiboak: ‘berriak’

Ulf-Dietrich Reips now a member of the Graduate School of Decision Sciences at the University of Konstanz

Professor Ulf-Dietrich Reips has become a member of the Graduate School of Decision Sciences at the University of Konstanz

(English) Journal Impact now > 6.1: Issue 8(1) of the International Journal of Internet Science has appeared

Barkatu, baina sarrera hau bakarrik dago hizkuntza hauetan: English

Urkullu lehendakaria ikerbasqueko ikertzaileekin bildu egin da

Deustuko unibertsitatearekin elkarlanean dauden hiru ikerbasque ikertzaile eta hauen familia, Iñigo urkullu lehendakariarekin bildu egin dira gobernuko arrera baten. Ikertzaile hauek atzerritik etorri dira Euskal Herriko ikerkuntza hobetzeko haien eremuetan.

Urkullu lehendakaria ikerbasqueko ikertzaileekin bildu egin da

Ulf-Dietrich Reips, Gonzalo Bacigalupe, Iñigo Urkullu, Juan Arango

Iñigo Urkullu, Deustuko Unibertsitateko ikaslea ohia da ere.

Grant proposal involving iScience group evaluated as “High potential” by the EU

A joint multi-national proposal involving our group, “A Research infrastructure for the Study of Archived Web materials”, has been put by EU Consultation on Research Infrastructures, Topics for Integrating Activities on the list of projects of “High potential” and also with “merit for future Horizon 2020 Research Infrastructure Actions”. We consider this to be a very qualified prequalification as the evaluation procedure has followed the rigorous standard FP7 evaluation procedure.

Find the evaluation outcome of this first step at the European Commission’s website: (the project is classified in the Mathematics and ICT category as ‘ICT02’).