idazlea: | 17 March 2018 | berriak
As of January 2018, Stefan Stieger became a full professor at the department of Psychology, Karl Landsteiner University of Health Sciences, Austria; Eunike Wetzel became a junior professor at University of Mannheim, Germany. The team congratulates, way to go, Stefan and Eunike!
idazlea: Tim Kuhlmann | 07 September 2017 | berriak
Sept. 10-15: 2nd Konstanz Summer School on Internet-based Data Collection and Analysis in Decision Making. We welcome about 35 participants from around the world! GSDS Summer School 2017
idazlea: Tim Kuhlmann | | berriak
Professorship for Methods at Karl Landsteiner University of Health Sciences in Krems, Austria, offered to Stefan Stieger. The team congratulates!
idazlea: Tim Kuhlmann | 04 August 2017 | berriak
Junior professorship for psychological assessment with a focus on test theory at University of Mannheim offered to Eunike Wetzel. The team congratulates!