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iScienceeko taldean egoteaz gain (WEXTOR mantentzen), International Journal of Internet Scienceeko koeditorea da eta VAS Generator, Webean oinarritutako ikerketan erabili daitekeen eskala bisual analogoak sortzeko balio duen doako aplikazioa, mantentzen du.
- Funke, F. & Reips, U.-D. (in revision). Reducing measurement error by tackling formatting error: Theoretical and empirical evidence for high data quality with visual analogue scales.
- Funke, F., & Reips, U.-D. (2012). Why semantic differentials in Web-based research should be made from visual analogue scales and not from 5-point scales. Field Methods, 24, 310-327. doi:10.1177/1525822X12444061
- Funke, F., Reips, U.-D., & Thomas, R. K. (2011). Sliders for the smart: Type of rating scale on the Web interacts with educational level. Social Science Computer Review, 29, 221-231.
- Funke, F., & Reipps, U. D. (2009). Difference and Correspondences Between Visual Analogue Scales, Slider Scales and Radio Button Scales in Web Surveys.
- Reips, U.-D., & Funke, F. (2008). Interval level measurement with visual analogue scales in Internet-based research: VAS Generator. Behavior Research Methods, 40, 699–704.
- Reips, U. D., & Funke, F. (2007). VAS Generator–A Web-Based Tool for Creating Visual Analogue Scales.
- Funke, F. & Reips, U.-D. (2007). Messinstrumente und Skalen [Measuring devices and scales]. In M. Welker & O. Wenzel (Hrsg.), Online-Forschung 2007: Grundlagen und Fallstudien (S. 52-76). Köln: Herbert von Halem.
- Fuchs, M., & Funke, F. (2007). Multimedia Web surveys: Results from a field experiment on the use of audio and video clips in Web surveys. In M. Trotman et al. (Eds.): The challenges of a changing world. Proceedings of the fifth international conference of the association for survey computing (pp. 63-80). Berkeley: ASC
- Funke, F., & Reips, U. D. (2005). Stichprobenverzerrung durch browserbedingten Dropout.
- Bierhoff, H.-W., Funke, J., Reips, U.-D., & Weichselgartner, E. (2005). Information und Kommunikation 2005: Ein Lagebericht und einige Zukunftsperspektiven [Information and communication 2005: A statement of current affairs and future perspectives]. Psychologische Rundschau, 56, 212-219.
- Funke, F. & Reips, U.-D.: Better low-tech than sorry: How technophile questionnaires may affect psychological representativeness. GOR12, 6 March 2012, Mannheim, Germany.
- Funke, Frederik, & Reips, Ulf-Dietrich: Increase statistical power with visual analogue scales. 12th General Online Research (G.O.R.) conference, University of Applied Sciences, Pforzheim.
- Funke, Frederik, & Reips, Ulf-Dietrich: Formatting error with ordinal rating scales and visual analogue scales. 12th General Online Research conference, University of Applied Sciences, Pforzheim.
- Funke, Frederik, & Reips, Ulf-Dietrich: Detecting small effects with visual analogue scales. XVIIth ISA World Congress of Sociology, Göteborg, Sweden.
- Funke, F., & Reips, U.-D.: Internet survey methods: Evolutions and revolutions. Paper presented at the 1st International Workshop on Internet Survey, Deajeon, South Korea, Sept. 09-10, 2009.
- Funke, F., & Reips, U.-D.: Yes, VASs can! Visual analogue scales for Web-based research. Internet Survey Methodology (ISM) Meeting, Bergamo, Italy, Sept. 17-19, 2009.